Aníbal Roblero

Aníbal Roblero

Mexico, MX


Vertikal Habitat | Insignia Tower

As the second largest metropolitan area in the western hemisphere, Mexico City Metropolitan Area demands large amounts of food and water to supply its population. Food and water now come from distant places. Water is pumped in from more than 117 kilometers away. On the other hand, there is growing need for dwelling, Mexico City has triplicate its population in the last three decades. But how to respond in the best way? 1. Recycling an existing building. 2 Mixed uses adding Vertical Greenhouse and Public Space into the housing program. 3 Use of technology to depend less of water for growing crops.

The existing tower is located in Tlatelolco, the most important site of commerce in prehispanic times.

The tower was the second taller when it was built in 1962. The 16,339 square meters of the tower were abandoned for more than 20 years due to seismic damage. It was reinforced, but we consider it can be the new icon of what Mexico City needs in terms of built environment. The formerly flat façade will now receive light precast concrete modules to reconfigure it into a 3D skin.

In pandemic times Housing needs flexibility more than ever. Our Units have an open plan, connected to new terraces to provide ventilated spaces and wellness, perfect for adding new possibilities at the traditional indoors activities.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: México, MX
My Role: Desiger