Richard Higgins

Richard Higgins

San Francisco, CA, US


island Cabin Retrofit

An extensive renovation of an existing structure on a pier and beam foundation, this cottage is a cozy family retreat on an island off the coast of Maine. Nestled among stands of spruce and flooded granite quarries, the cottage is a place to escape the pressures of modern life and enjoy the simple things. Local ordinances require any improvements to remain within the building’s original footprint of forty by twenty feet. Structural repairs and upgrades enable a simplified interior plan. Carefully considered built-in furniture makes the most of limited space. A porous south elevation connects the interior with a wildflower garden and views of the Atlantic beyond. A bunk room doubles as a private study for remote work or classes. A niche on the south facade provides space to season and display split wood for the fire pit. An airtight envelope, exterior insulation and a modernized mechanical system allow comfortable visits throughout the year and in all weather.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Vinalhaven, ME, US
My Role: Designer