ReThink Studio

ReThink Studio

New York, NY

ReThinkNYC Rail Unification Proposal
ReThinkNYC Rail Unification Proposal
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ReThinkNYC Regional Plan

ReThinkNYC is a com­pre­hen­sive plan to expand New York City’s “car-optional” region beyond Manhattan by uni­fy­ing and recon­fig­ur­ing the City and the region’s dis­parate trans­porta­tion sys­tems into a sin­gle func­tion­ing net­work serv­ing the greater New York City area. In this new real­ity, pas­sen­gers would be able to trans­fer seam­lessly between com­muter rail, sub­way, bus or light rail sys­tems regard­less of oper­a­tor (e.g. NJ Transit, MetroNorth).

To do this, we pro­pose a new regional plan for New York that would include:

  • The NYC SmartTransit Zone: This fare zone would include NYC and adja­cent parts of Westchester, Nassau, Hudson and Bergen Counties. Unified fare col­lec­tion would be via smart­card (RFID) or smart­phone app.
  • The NYC Trunk Line would be a spinal cord of over­lap­ping inter­modal con­nec­tiv­ity along the Northeast Corridor between Secaucus, NJ and Port Morris, the Bronx that would unify the four land masses that make up the NYC area. 
    • All of the region’s 26 com­muter rail lines would be con­nected, includ­ing Metro-North’s Harlem and Hudson Lines and NJ Transit’s Bergen County Lines.
    • Secaucus, Penn Station, Sunnyside, Port Morris would be major tran­sit hubs where pas­sen­gers could trans­fer from the local scale (buses/light rail) to the city or regional scale (subways/regional rail).
  • New Local Light Rail and Bus Networks directly con­nected to the NYC Trunk Line at Secaucus (NJ), Sunnyside (Queens/Brooklyn) and Port Morris (the Bronx).  The details of this plan will be released in mid-August.

These plans would trans­form the region’s patch­work of pub­lic tran­sit sys­tems into a uni­fied web of over­lap­ping mul­ti­modal mass tran­sit con­nec­tiv­ity. The NYC Trunk Line would provide a foun­da­tion for more rail-con­nected ameni­ties, includ­ing:

  • ReThink LGA would expand LaGuardia Airport into Rikers and con­nect it to the NYC Trunk Line at Port Morris trans­form­ing it into a world-class global air­port that is eas­ily acces­si­ble to every­one who is con­nected to mass tran­sit in the region.
  • Midtown East in Queens would be a new office dis­trict the size of Midtown Manhattan directly con­nected to the NYCTrunk Line at Sunnyside, Queens. This plan would provide mil­lions of square feet of new office space that would be con­nected to the entire regional rail net­work, seven dif­fer­ent lines of the NYC sub­way net­work and the new light rail/bus net­work envi­sioned for Brooklyn/Queens.

These plans, along with the rise of smart­phone-based car shar­ing and car pool­ing ser­vices (e.g. Zipcar and Uberpool), make it pos­si­ble to expand the car-optional area through­out the region, obvi­at­ing the need for an auto­mo­bile. In doing so, the plan would provide the New York City area the foun­da­tion it needs for the next cen­tury of eco­nomic and pop­u­la­tion growth.

...More is available at

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: New York
Firm Role: Regional Master Planner

ReThinkNYC Rail Unification Proposal (before)
ReThinkNYC Rail Unification Proposal (before)
Port Morris Rail Station Proposal (the Bronx)
Port Morris Rail Station Proposal (the Bronx)
ReThinkNYC LGA Expansion Proposal
ReThinkNYC LGA Expansion Proposal
ReThinkNYC Gateway Improvement Proposal
ReThinkNYC Gateway Improvement Proposal