Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Troy, NY



By Miguel Lantigua-Inoa
Sep 13, '14 2:38 PM EST

Influx, a historic all-school publication that embodies the School of Architecture’s transdisciplinary approach to education, consistent theme of radical speculation, innovative pedagogical methods, and research addressing major global challenges.

The publication features student work, school exhibitions, and degree program information from Fall 2010 to Spring 2012. This compilation has been an ambitious undertaking, involving students, faculty, and school partners across the globe. Each contributor to Influx has demonstrated and shares a profound commitment to the pursuit of architecture as a tool for transformation. Dean Douglis states in his message to readers,

“United not only in the shared belief that the sustenance and transmission of knowledge from one generation to the next is a noble endeavor, but also a fundamental necessity for the development of new forms of cultural production in architecture, the contributors in this book interpret their research as both speculative and projective, and at the same time capable of moving into the public domain as a real and substantial agent for change.”