Rafaela Senna

Rafaela Senna

Madrid, ES

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My name is Rafaela Senna and I am looking for opportunities in the area of architecture and interior design for remote work.

I have my master in sustainable urban planning and spatial planning done in Portugal by the New University of Lisbon. At the same time, I have a lot of experience for interior design and image production.

I worked with a interior design in Lisbon and I have experience in different domains of architecture and urban planning: residential and commercial architecture, urban projects, interior design and project management.

I am Brazilian, but at the same time I have my NIE in Spain and Portugal, which allows me to work legally in both countries and from home for other countries.

I can work comfortably in three languages, Portuguese, Spanish and English.

I send my portfolio online below and my CV attached:

Thank you very much for your time and attention.

Best regards


UFSM, Santa Maria, BR, Bachelors, Architecture and urban planner

Jan 2010 - Dec 2015

Areas of Specialization