Ryan Vincent Manning

Ryan Vincent Manning

Los Angeles, CA, US


Not Even Wrong

"Objects" is a subject that continues to buzz around the fashion, art and architecture community.  They appear in many forms: the whale, the giraffe, the duck or the elephant to name a few.  Their meaning and purpose vary but each give us a definite place or memory despite their original intentionality.  This project addresses our obsession with objects and appropriates them to plausibilities in fashion towards architecture.  Folded, pleated, and sewn together, these objects offer up a questions to the sections, the corner, and figurality.  They are patterns.  They are made flat and sewn together.  They impose two possible methods: weak and strong.  The weak is primitive and invisible.  It is the negative.  The strong is enclosure and figure.  It is positive and recognizable.  Stuffed, folded, and pleated the weak object acts upon the strong objects within.  This abstract relationship questions the section, the corner, and figurality.  Its section is interstitial and is formed from the physics of the pattern and its materiality.  Its corner is neither, hard or soft.  Its figure is only derived by one's view upon it.  Altogether, it forms an intention that is neither right nor wrong; humor or fact.  Its purpose is to question "why" and offer an alternative to plausiblities of the use of objects within architecture.

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Status: Unbuilt
My Role: Designer
Additional Credits: Tom Wiscombe