

Moscow, RU



One of SAS offices is situated in Moscow at «Fabrika Stanislavskogo» business-center. The original intention of design is to serve people, the designers created this open-plan office where users can enjoy working and communication.

The spatial aesthetics is also demonstrated in the utilization of colors. With a view to keeping balance, the designers used some comfortable colors: light grey, green, blue. Colors were blended with wood to create an sober, and yet cozy atmosphere.

Every detail is a pretext for comfort and collaborative interactions. Office has open space. Canteen, lounge, some think-tank for individual work, also cabinets  for Managers of departments. The furniture was chosen to combine the esthetics with the functionality, the ergonomics with the effectiveness. That is why there are some custom-made furniture ideas.

This office is not for client but only for SAS people. It is one of corporate and cultural values for employees.

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Status: Built
Location: Moscow, RU
Firm Role: Custom-made furniture