” SPARE “ (” reservelamp ”) light-object
design : J.P.Meulendijks
material : 26 light-bulbs
dimensions :260 x 260 x 260 mm.
description : One light-bulb burns, the other light-bulbs function as a lampshade, diffusing and spreading the light. The burning bulb will light up the other bulbs. When the bulb is burned out: simply screw the lamp-holder on to an other bulb. Part of the design-collection of: “DESIGN MUSEUM GENT” in Belgium
Because of the new guidelines for lightbulbs, "SPARE" is re-designed for the future: build with 25 classic clear lightbulbs and 1 clear LED-bulb that looks just like a classic bulb. Now you can choose to let a classic bulb or a LED-bulb burn..After +/- 75 years all the bulbs are burned up. In a few years,when there are no regular bulbs left anywhere, you will still enjoy the light of your "SPARE" bulbs
Status: Built