Perform Design Studio

Perform Design Studio

Shanghai, CN

The Bridge Learning Center traverse over the campus river. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
The Bridge Learning Center traverse over the campus river. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
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Bridge Learning Center

Yancheng Foreign Language School (YCFLS) is a newly established school by adopting an existing middle school campus. In the face of increasing enrollment, YCFLS sought to build a new learning complex and simultaneously reflect the changing philosophies and values of a modern campus.

Yancheng, literally “Salt City” in Chinese, was a major producer of salt for two millennia. Due to the high demand for waterways to transport the salt, the city is riddled with rivers and canals. One of these rivers runs through the campus, dividing it into the Teaching Zone on the south and the Dorm Zone on the north.

The school originally considered the new building somewhere else in the campus. However, we the architects proposed the site over the river to make a more integral campus experience.

The “covered bridge”, an archaic type that dates back centuries, functions both for crossing river and accommodating public activities. The Bridge Learning Center is conceived as a modern covered bridge, superimposed by a teaching building. The covered bridge provokes a sense of place and imagination to the teaching and learning activities, whereas the teaching building adds energy and pragmatism to the bridge.

The main arrival lobby of the building – the “bridgehead” – is located on the south bank of the river, facing the central plaza. Students and teachers take the main stair from the lobby, as if climbing “up the bridge”, and arrive at the public hall on the second floor. The building crosses the river on this level and merges with the teaching space on the north bank through a sky-lit atrium. From the second level of the atrium, you can walk “down the bridge”, through the north lobby, leading to the dorm zone.

To overcome the structural challenges imposed by the bridge’s long span, we use three sets of pretensioned concrete trusses. Located on the third level with full floor height, the trusses hang the tension columns on the second level, while the pedestrian drawbridge is hung by eight thin steel rods. From the trusses to the tension columns and then to the steel rods, the structure members become lighter towards the river, matching the transparency needs of different levels.

Against the background of today’s tremendous education reform in China, the Bridge Learning Center reflects a paradigm shift from a passive and rigid system to a more open and diversified, but also healthier and more balanced education ecology. 

As Martin Heidegger once said, “The bridge gathers the earth as landscape around the stream.” Similarly, the Bridge Learning Center offers a rare opportunity for people and nature to bond. The river is no longer a physical barrier anymore, and a free, provocative, symbiotic and modern campus starts unfolding.

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Status: Built
Location: Yancheng, CN
Firm Role: Lead Architect
Additional Credits: Design Team:
Qian Li (principal architect), Tao Sun(project architect), Jia Luo, Jiahao Qiu, Qian Wang, Shukai Chen, Zhiyong Tan, Shujie Xu, Chaoliang Sun, Yuhao Su, Deyun Hu

Executive Architect / LDI:
Yancheng Architecture Design Institute Co.Ltd. Hongdong Zhang, Zili Fei(architectural), Kun Cao, Juan Yang(structural), Rong Zhou(electrical), Jiancheng Sun(plumbing), Ji Bian(mechanical)

Clients: Yancheng Foreign Language School, Guanghua Education Group

General Contractor: Yancheng Suxia Construction Group

The new building promotes the connectivity between both sides of the river. (photo by Lian He)
The new building promotes the connectivity between both sides of the river. (photo by Lian He)
A new drawbridge allows direct pedestrian commute. (photo by Lian He)
A new drawbridge allows direct pedestrian commute. (photo by Lian He)
The arrival lobby, located on the south bank, faces the existing campus plaza. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
The arrival lobby, located on the south bank, faces the existing campus plaza. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
The arrival lobby and its main stair. (photo by Lian He)
The arrival lobby and its main stair. (photo by Lian He)
Overlooking the drawbridge and the river through the glass floor. (photo by Lian He)
Overlooking the drawbridge and the river through the glass floor. (photo by Lian He)
The atrium also acts as a flexible student forum space. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
The atrium also acts as a flexible student forum space. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
The sky-lit atrium vertically connects all floors. (photo by Lian He)
The sky-lit atrium vertically connects all floors. (photo by Lian He)
The bridge's truss structure partially occupies the corner of the art classroom. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
The bridge's truss structure partially occupies the corner of the art classroom. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
The piano practicing room right above the river. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
The piano practicing room right above the river. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
The structures become lighter towards the river. (photo by Lian He)
The structures become lighter towards the river. (photo by Lian He)
The drawbridge is hung from above by eight steel rods. (photo by Lian He)
The drawbridge is hung from above by eight steel rods. (photo by Lian He)
Ripples reflected on the metal ceiling. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
Ripples reflected on the metal ceiling. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
The drawbridge and its reflection. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
The drawbridge and its reflection. (photo by Yilong Zhao)
Open ground level and north lobby lead to the dorm zone. (photo by Lian He)
Open ground level and north lobby lead to the dorm zone. (photo by Lian He)
'Ripple louvers' facade detail. (photo by Lian He)
"Ripple louvers" facade detail. (photo by Lian He)
Coexistence of human, nature and architecture. (photo by Perform Design Studio)
Coexistence of human, nature and architecture. (photo by Perform Design Studio)
Overall campus masterplan. (by Perform Design Studio)
Overall campus masterplan. (by Perform Design Studio)
Typology analysis. (by Perform Design Studio)
Typology analysis. (by Perform Design Studio)
Building cross sections. (by Perform Design Studio)
Building cross sections. (by Perform Design Studio)
Video credit: Zhiyi Architecture Photography