Sara Duarte

Sara Duarte

Lisbon, PT

Museum Entance
Museum Entance
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City Museum of Lisbon

The proposal for the city museum was developed in the
context of the my master thesis with the theme Museum
- The Public House; The Image Creation and Spatial Conception
of Cultural Facilities.

It is based on an architectural reflection on the ability of a
public building, contribute to inhabit the city, to the extent
that architecture affects the reproduction process of social
and cultural life. Furthermore, it seeks to understand the
role of space in creating places with the ability to provide a
sense of collective identity.

Therefore, the proposal for the city museum of Lisbon,
20th - 21th century arises as a complement to the existing
museum and its framed in a new urban plan proposal. It
seeks to develop a solution that stimulates the regeneration
and revitalization of a place, located in one of the main
city gates, an area of transition between urban models and
corresponding urban dynamics.

The main goal, towards a sustainable design attitude, is to
achieve a balance between the biuld fabric and the empty
spaces, with the aim to increase land use, promote mix
uses, intensifiy daytime and nigthly dynamics, and finally,
integrate green areas towards the extension of the city’s
ecological structure.

In this context, the museum stands as an urban actor.
Throughout the work process is made an investment from
the typological study of public space to the elaboration of
a rich and versatile internal program.

The final solution, through the architectural concept explored
and its materiality, seeks to establish a harmonious
relationship with the pre-existence and the place, celebrate
and reinterpret certain aspects of our culture in order
to act as a reference in the city of Lisbon and towards a
sustainable design attitude.

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Status: School Project
Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Museum Patio
Museum Patio
Museum Hall
Museum Hall
Museum structure
Museum structure
Museum Auditorium
Museum Auditorium