Jennifer Meier

Jennifer Meier

Vancouver, WA, US

Wine bar with break room beyond.
Wine bar with break room beyond.
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Swinerton Builders, Santa Clara, CA

- 7,800 S.F. Tenant Improvement for Swinterton Builders’ new Silicon Valley office, including reception area, plan room, board room, conference rooms, employee break room, private offices, and open office cubical area.  A central gathering area “spine” in the middle of the space flanked by conference rooms and other amenity spaces serves as circulation space and casual meeting / collaboration space and also features a wine bar as a focal point.

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Status: Built
Location: Santa Clara, CA, US
My Role: Responsibilities Included: Field measurement and update of existing building drawings, interpreted client programs and requests, space planning, construction documents, interior elevations, finish selections, millwork and wine bar design.

Central 'spine' gathering area with conference and amenity rooms on each side.
Central "spine" gathering area with conference and amenity rooms on each side.