Makenna Waterfield

Makenna Waterfield

Arcata, CA, US


Introduction to Design Class Project

This project was an underclassmen design project that lasted 12 weeks. The class was divided into groups of three or four who then met with a local client to design and build something of her asking. 

This particular class is quite famous among engineering program. Stanford recently implemented this course into their program. 

Although this is not an architectural project, I did design and build a rapid composter for Friends of the Dunes (a local non-profit restoration group). 

An instructional video on how to use the composter can be viewed at:

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Status: Built
Location: Arcata, CA, US
My Role: Designer and Carpenter
Additional Credits: Brianna Brown, Luis Garcia, and Lucas Holland assisted me in designing and building this project. Lonny Grafman was my instructor who helped each of us learn the design process.

The finished composter
The finished composter