Jonathan Sandoval

Jonathan Sandoval

Chicago, IL, US


Vandalitic Interactions

This study was done as a test point within my architectural thesis. Creating a dialogue between transient inhabitance [The Tourist] of the historic Johnson Square in Savannah, GA and the decay of architectural importance within society. Through this vandalitic act this installation grafts onto the existing structure, suggesting a choice one which deviates from the historic Savannah grid, allowing people transitioning from historic square to historic square to celebrate an interest in architecture as it exists in its current decay. 

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Status: Built
Location: Savannah, GA, US

Detail of Connection 3/4' Birch-Ply + 1/4' Eye-hook + Turnbuckle + 100lb Test Monofilament fishing line + Smiley face bead + Lycra Panel
Detail of Connection 3/4" Birch-Ply + 1/4" Eye-hook + Turnbuckle + 100lb Test Monofilament fishing line + Smiley face bead + Lycra Panel
Proposal to Suntrust bank
Proposal to Suntrust bank
Proposal to Suntrust bank
Proposal to Suntrust bank
Proposal to Suntrust bank
Proposal to Suntrust bank