This submission chose to utilize the portion of the site that is currently occupied by an existing sunroom and west wing of the community healthcare facility. This site was chosen because of its prominence in elevation relative to the rest of the Village, its visibility from main axis and paths of travel through the community, and to avoid removal of any existing parking.
The program is separated into two groups. One group contains all administration offices and support spaces, and the second includes all spaces which are directly related to the main sanctuary space. The administration and support space group is depressed into the site. This allows for reduced heating and cooling loads, a concealed connection between the new building and the existing healthcare facility, and avoids conflicting circulation paths between private and public users.
The placement of this new community center will allow for it to act as a temple on a hill. The chosen location allows for maximum views from surrounding areas of the village. Utilization of an open, steel structure with a single span creates a grand interior space. Translucent glass is used in order to maximize the amount of natural light that is allowed to penetrate the space at all times of the year. At night the new sanctuary will become a glowing beacon that will serve as a new, iconic visual center point for the community.
The new building will serve not only as housing for a new community center but as a “Sanctuary” space at the heart of the village. Landscaped areas that will surround the new building will include reflecting pools, as well as grassy areas for meeting and sitting in areas of shade that are fully accessible to all residents. This will provide a common area for leisure and recreation outside of resident’s homes where they can congregate in outdoor as well as indoor spaces. The consolidation of the main sanctuary spaces within the building program allows for a space that is appropriate for all types of community gatherings, not only church services.
The monumental nature of this new building will serve as a new, iconic point in the heart of the village about which visitors and residents alike will orient themselves. This building will provide sanctuary to all residents and visitors.
Status: Competition Entry
Location: San Antonio, TX