How can our
cities extend into the suburbs sustainability? We propose to put our
future American dwellings on wheels. These retrofitted houses will flock
towards downtown city cores and back. We intended to reinforce our
existing highways between cities with an intelligent renewable
infrastructure. Therefore our homes will be enabled to flow
continuously from urban core to core.
Our proposal envisions an immense and vital solution to a
fundamental problem: American suburbs fail to work efficiently. In the
next 25 years we will build 56 million new homes that will consume 18.8
million acres of virgin land and emit 7.3 billion tons of CO2 per year.
These frameworks of development need to be rethought to meet our
ecological carrying capacities. Why should we put further energy into
past inferior patterns? America needs to deliver dwellings closer to
our existing main infrastructural arteries. We cannot continue to
overextend our thinly disturbed resource lines.
America has always been a nation on the road. We desire to move the
suburbs on smart networked wheels. We intend to affix a diverse range
of mobility mechanisms to home units that generate our novel HOMEWAY
system. In the future, the physical home will remain permanent but its
location will be transient. Our static suburbs will be transformed into a
dynamic and deployable flow. Houses will have the option to switch
from parked to low speed. Homes, big box retail, movie theaters,
supermarkets, business hubs, food production, and power plants will
depart from their existing sprawled communities and line up along
highways to create a truly breathing interconnected metabolic urbanism.
Dense ribbons of food, energy, waste and water elements will follow the
direction of moving population clusters.
Status: Competition Entry
Location: New York, NY, US