Anna Terragin

Anna Terragin

London, GB


A School 4 Burmese Refugee Children - Open Design Competition

The proposed school is a one storey L-shaped modular cluster of rooms, which will blend in perfectly with the surrounding area.   The horizontally shaped compound consists of two wings of rooms at right angles to
each other and the conception is both coming together of prefabricated panelling techniques and local craftsmanship, local materials, local skills.
The construction of each of the rooms helps the natural cross-ventilation of each of them in the highly humid climate for a comfortable use of the place.
Designed openings in opposite walls and internal partitions allow for natural ventilation. The long and narrow floor plan catches the wind breeze.  The roof overhangs shelter the building users from heavy rains, as well
as strong sun.  External cladding and panels help to prevent glare.  Proposed panels to walls and the roof will be insulated to keep the solar heat out.The orientation on site will be used to an advantage to shade the building to eliminate direct sun on walls.
This low energy building will be naturally comfortable.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: London, GB