Peter None

Peter None

Chicago, IL, US


Folding Motion

This project creates a new way to experience and see an arena soccer game. It allows the spectator to view the game from all angles and doesn’t limit him to one viewing angle for the whole game. It does this by, a series of folds that create areas of light, access, balconies, terraces and an outlook.  That is then applied to a loop that surrounds the field, which is place adjacent to the road. The loop creates two enclosures for the program within. The exterior is a solid concrete façade with a vertical stacked window pattern. The interior façade is a all glass façade at different opacities allowing a controlled relationship of the in to out side. Then sports field is surrounded by all the other programs. Were the programs are tied together with a ramp  that allows the programs to spread and overflow onto the ramp and into the other program adjacent to them. The Gas station allows the user to be filling there cars with gas and watch the game that is going on as well as to see the pool area of the hotel. The restaurant and food court have interior seating as well as exterior balconies and seating that allow the game to be view from both locations. The hotel has a pool that over looks the field on the ground level. The hotel rooms are located so that the view is more vertical then a horizontal. The State Welcome center is located above the highway with a view of the field and highway.

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Status: School Project