Fara Friedman

Fara Friedman

New York, NY, US

One Bedroom: Living Room/Kitchen View
One Bedroom: Living Room/Kitchen View
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The Addison

Residential Rental, 504,000 sf: In this two building through-lot site separated by an urban garden courtyard, I designed all facets off the project, from initial schematic designs down to the custom millwork  and stone lobby. I generated and managed project delivery from design concept and analysis through construction administration.The many logistical hurdles included an MTA Easement, an E-Designation and HPD approvals.

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Status: Built
Location: Brooklyn, NY, US

Two Bedroom: Living Room
Two Bedroom: Living Room
Studio Design
Studio Design
Lobby Seating
Lobby Seating
Detail: Concierge Desk
Detail: Concierge Desk
Main Building Entry
Main Building Entry
Detail: Canopy at Courtyard Entry
Detail: Canopy at Courtyard Entry
Sketch: Canopy Design Build
Sketch: Canopy Design Build
Typical Floor Plan
Typical Floor Plan
Typical Details
Typical Details
Ramp Section
Ramp Section
Sketch: Design to Executed Cladding Dtl.
Sketch: Design to Executed Cladding Dtl.
Sketch: Courtyard Louver Clarification
Sketch: Courtyard Louver Clarification
Sketch: Window Detail
Sketch: Window Detail
Courtyard Sketch
Courtyard Sketch
Sketch: Stone Joint Layout at Building Entry
Sketch: Stone Joint Layout at Building Entry
Sketch: Detail at Wood Panel/Metal Angle Joint
Sketch: Detail at Wood Panel/Metal Angle Joint