This thesis is an investigation of a man’s life with the built world and surrounding landscape through three stages- the boundary, the perception, and the memory of experience through time.
With intensive studies in modeling, the process began with the analysis of re- defining a boundary- interpreting the threshold and understanding its relationship to mass and void by specifically looking at the individual’s perception of a restriction, limit, boundary, constraint, and parameter- and further through the conditions of limit of site, change of plane, interior and exterior, and movement and passage.
The study of the perceived world is further recorded through the man’s stages of life- interacting with the building and site through boyhood, adolescence, manhood, and the age of the elder. Each stage defining the intervention with the landscape and the building as a rewriting of a memory.
As time passes, the memory of the built world changes, morphs, is defined in layers, may become distorted, be identical, or disappear all together. The building narrative thus has no program and all programs, defines no site, and all sites, and interacts with no man and all men.
This study will test the different conditions in architecture that can be encountered through re- defining the boundary of architecture, analyzing man’s experience of the built world, and recording his memory of the perception over time.
Status: School Project