

La Laguna, ES. Canary Islands


"MERCADO" Fast casual restaurant

After plenty of photographic cuts made by myself on field in Spain - some of them in public spaces and some of them in famous gastronomic milestones and documenting the most significant and successful gastronomic samples of Madrid and Barcelona I designed Mercado restaurant as a space to sense all sort of simultaneous experiences around food and design in the "Spanish way".
In that sense, Mercado restaurant is intended to be an "extension" of the street. Therefore an extension of how we Spaniards live outdoors and the relations we create around food, around people; that´s what really matters for us. In Mercado restaurant, the customer area of the interior works as a multilayered screen to attract pedestrians to step into the restaurant. These elements set up a game with the customers, generating an innocent disposition within them. After accomplishing this complicity, they are featured with the richest gastronomic experience of Spanish delights, where customers choose whether to eat standing, seated, or simply walking around thinking what is going to be the next bite or drink.
I´ve heard a lot of sentences lately around the food business. One of the most heard is that " food matters". If that´s true most of Spaniards would say food matters in the way it must be good but also in the way it can be shared with friends.

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Status: Built
Location: Gdansk, PL
My Role: Designer. Site manager