Jim Fish

Jim Fish

Kingston, NY, US


(Printed in Readymade Magazine) Recycled Christmas Tree

Featured In Readymade Magazine December 2008

While we all know that there are trees grown specifically to be used for Christmas, it’s also true that there are a lot of objects that have no future after their initial use is realized. This year instead of buying a tree or a live tree that could be replanted in the Spring, I decided to make one out of hoop-shaped objects that had already been used.
I began picking up tires and hubcaps from the street, and enlisted friends (who didn’t entirely understand what I was up to) to do the same. Before I knew it I had movie reels, old bamboo steamers, and hula hops.
For the tree I created this year, I took a mint container, a pie plate, a pizza oven pan, a plastic party platter, and a bike wheel and tire, wired them to each other in a cone shape, and with the help of my old Christmas lights and a star I’ve had for almost twenty years, created something pretty great. After the finishing touch of wiring on some used tennis balls my sister gave me, and hanging the whole thing from the ceiling, I had a tree, complete with a carpet sample tree skirt.
I can hardly wait till Thanksgiving rolls by this year to make another one, and I already have friends asking for their own!

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Status: Built
Location: December