The organic data center (ODC) concept constitutes an efficient
solution to employ the heat produced in typical data centers and
high performance computing (HPC) facilities. Since it connects the
growing industries of data and computing with a sector covering a
very basic need, i.e. the food industry, a number of positive synergies
can be identified regarding sustainability.
Data centers are expected to play a progressively more prominent
role in a wider range of industries, a fact that would make
this particular target especially relevant.
On the other hand, ODCs will probably become relevant to Target
11.b, on implementation of policies towards resource efficiency and
climate change. This also applies to SDG 13 on climate change, where
a resource-efficient solution such as ODCs may have a positive
impact on all its targets. The Target 13.1, aimed at strengthening the
resilience to the problems associated with climate, is probably the
most relevant in the context of ODC usage and implementation.
The symbiosis of a data center and a greenhouse will constitute an
excellent solution in terms of efficient energy use, given the fact that
the current industrial
Status: Unbuilt
Location: Norway