Basmal Al-Saadan

Basmal Al-Saadan

New York, NY, US


New City, Basra, Iraq

Plot Area:   6.2 (2.4 sq.mi.)

Capacity:    approx. 250,000 (13,000 housing unit)

Client:        10 companies (under Ministry of Oil)

Built Area:  approx. 5.76M sq. m. (62M sq. ft.)

Cost:          approx. $3.7 Billion.

The project serves requirements of 10 Clients (oil companies) under the Ministry of Oil and fulfills their needs for the 13,000 residential units along with commercial, educational, public and recreational facilities with open spaces. Also, it includes all technical infra-structures like: energy and water supply, roads, water supply and sewage facilities.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Basra, IQ
My Role: Architectural and Engineering Manager