Lorenzo Mancini

Lorenzo Mancini

London, GB


Restaurants Relocation PostSisma

I-Lab, a new born company with only three employees including myself, was aimed to design Norcia provisional buildings that will host six restaurants that were damaged by the earthquake in December 2016. The buildings will probably be used for 5/7 years, until the damaged facilities will be reconstructed and renovated.

The six restaurants have different areas (500sqm, 360sqm, 2*120sqm, 90sqm and 60sqm) therefore we designed steel structures made from prefab elements to be built and removed quickly and easily allowing for dimension flexibility. 

All the spaces of the project are based on the concept of typological, architectural and structural modularity for two main reasons: on one side the reduction of the lead time and of the total cost, and on the other side to give all the restaurants a uniform aesthetic design.

The restaurants are under construction at this very moment.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Norcia
My Role: Project Architect: Active role in all project’s stage from concept to technical design