Michal Kaleta

Michal Kaleta

Groton, MA, US


CSW Waterpark in Chełm, PL

Designed in 2012 as an architectural competition project, winning the 1st award, prepared as a comprehensive building project in 2013 while working for Schick Architekci (PL). Building works started in 2014/2015, grand opening is scheduled in summer 2016.

CSW waterpark in Chełm is a medium sized waterpark hall. It consists of recreational swimming pools with water slides, whirlpools and water massages ; sports swimming pools with adjustable basins (for both learners and professional swimmers); and a large comprehensive sauna complex with various types of saunas. The building is three stories high , it's design provides space for expansion, development of shopping mall center and more recreational facilities.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Chelm, PL
My Role: project manager
Additional Credits: Schick Architekci (PL)