PDI Design Group, Minneapolis, MN, US, Architecture Designer Intern
- Participated in domestic and international architecture projects (Holiday Inn, Azerbaijan, Chong-qing, Gwang Yang medical center etc)
-Assisted in project design based on Revit, Auto CAD, Sketch Up, Photoshop
-Made design boards / PowerPoint for final presentation
-Utilized skills to operate architectural program such as Sketch Up, Photoshop, In-Design, Kerkythea, VRay, Rhino, and Revit
-Operated contact information using Excel and Microsoft Works programs
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, US, BArch, Architecture
- Design Fundamental I / II
- Workshop Studio / Designing within the conceptual Framework
- Workshop Studio / Painting architecture
- Workshop Studio / Design and perception in virtual reality
- Workshop studio / Wood and metal
- Workshop studio / Cinematic construction
- Auto CAD
- Design in digital age
- Architecture history I / II
- Environmental design and the sociocultural context
- Modern architecture
- Environmental design and biophysical context etc.
DraWing Mews House Competition, Nomination
Throughout DraWing competition, Marshall published all submitted designs of entrants in a professional book, and the book is now released in public.