e7 Architecture Studio, Los Angeles, CA, US, Intern
Modeled Mechanical and Plumbing systems using AutoCAD MEP 2012 software, created MV Parts for Plumbing and Mechanical, and scanned Construction Drawings.
Fasone Construction, Santa Fe Springs, CA, US, Intern
Worked on Auto CAD drawings, Details, and Tenant Improvement designs, Assisted with general office work and Construction drawings.
Johnny B Headquarters, Commerce, CA, US, Receptionist
Receptionist & Shipping and receiving: Taking in calls from out of state and local customers, invoiced the orders using the QuickBooks program. Shipped out PayPal orders as well as our distributor companies, and customer service for walk-in customers, attended and involved in hair shows and classes that presented our stylist from salons.
Watt House Project, Award
Watts House Project – Partners with ASHF and volunteer Watts House Project (WHP) is an artist-driven neighborhood redevelopment organization, wherein artists and design professionals, in collaboration with the Watts Towers area residents, employ art as an economic and community development engine to promote and enhance the quality of residential life in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles. WHP brings residents together in a creative partnership with artists, architects, design professionals, and volunteers to revitalize the neighborhood and re-imagine the environment through inventive programming, community involvement, and functional and creative housing renovations.
ASHF, Other
Founded Architecture Student Humane Foundation
ASHFoundation – Architecture Students Humane Foundation - Founder and Administrator Architecture Students Humane Foundation (ASHF) is a charitable, non-profit organization that seeks to assist families in need. ASHF is a student-based organization, whose goal is to practice team work and where community involvement, joint leadership, and cooperative decision making are the heart principals of our charitable work.