To apply knowledge of Architectural Design and Sustainable
practices to maximum utility, working in an company which is focused on
integration of green technologies into their building designs.
To gain employment at an Architectural firm and work towards completion of the NCARB intern development program.
To use leadership and teamwork skills gained while serving in the
United States Marine Corps.
Portfolio / Resume: http://freepdfhosting.com/4361b806e6.pdf
- High school Diploma (Manasquan 1994)
- Associates Degree Architectural Science (Brookdale 1998)
- (6) years Draftsman (GBA Architects, Eatontown NJ 1997-2003)
- (4) years Heavy Equipment Operator ( USMC, 2003-2008)
- (5) year Bachelors of Architecture Degree (NJIT 2009-2012)
- Masters of Science in Sustainable Architecture (NJIT 2012-2013)
Post Hurricane Sandy Relief Effort through New Jersey Institute of Technology (March 2013)
United States Marine Corps, Heavy Equipment Engineer
Heavy Construction Equipment Operator and Dispatcher in charge of daily operations.
GBA Architects, Eatontown, NJ, US, Draftsman
Draftsman with understanding of all phases of a building project, from concept to construction drawings.
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Newark, NJ, US, Sustainable Design
Masters of Science in Sustainable Architecture (NJIT) May 2013
Topics of Study:
- U.S. Green Building Council LEED Guidelines
- Indoor Air Quality
- Implementation of Sustainable Technologies and Practices.
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Newark, NJ, US, BArch, Bachelor of Architecture
Manasquan High School, Manasquan, NJ, US, High School, General Education