Fares Alnaser

Fares Alnaser

Aleppo, SY



Am Fares Alnaser a young architect holding the Syrian passport and was born in the city of Aleppo, The oldest inhabited city in the world.

Been Living in Dubai/UAE for the last two years due to the civil war in Syria,
Always active motivated, and in a nonstop search for every thing new in the Field.

Always looking into life and how to be caring for every single part of it ,

so was my graduation project which was a study about a Sustainable city in the Country side of Aleppo/Syria,

with all the hard situation faced during the research such as the lack of recourses and missing information and studies about the climate in that area.

Also love staying up to date in the Computer field and always tracking the best and the most efficient programs and softwares.



Lacasa Architects & Engineering Consultants, Dubai, AE, Concept Architect

Responsible for a different kinds of subjects in the company starting from early concept design and sketches and ending in Preparing presentations and marketing materials.

Nov 2011 - current

Areas of Specialization 
