I am an enthusiastic young designer interested in exploring design through the cultural lens. I see architecture as the physical manifestation of the culture and traditions of communities. It is my mission to honor these traditions through the utilization of a sensitive design process.
Walter Robbs, Winston Salem , Intern Architect
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, VA, US, BArch, Architecture
Aalto University, Otaniemi, FI, Wood Program
During my time with the Wood Program we designed the KOE Savusauna. Originally designed as a pavilion for Alvar Aalto's Muuratsalo House the KOE Savusauna was moved to Helsinki where it was part of the World Design Capital 2012. Our studio also participated in the 2012 Aalto Symposium as well as holding an exhibition of the KOE Savusauna at Aalto's historic Helsinki studio.
This experience was completely team orientated. From the project's genesis on the drafting table to actual hands-on construction, a high level of communication was maintained resulting in a success completion of the project.
Pella Prize Finalist, Nomination
This award is given to the thesis student whose thesis project displays a deeper understanding of architecture and it's implications.
I was one of 14 nominees for the award out of our class of 129 students.