Rolfs Elert Office, Port Chester, NY, US, Intermediate Architect / Project Architect
Clemson University, Clemson, SC - Barcelona, Spain - Charleston, SC, Graduate Assistant (three appointments)
Indianapolis Fabrications, Indianapolis, IN, US, Fabricator + Drafstman
Ball State University Institute For Digital Fabrication, Muncie, IN, US, Student Fellow
New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity, New Orleans, LA, US, Construction Intern
Catalfio Homes, White Lake, MI, US, Construction Supervisor + CAD Designer
Clemson University, Clemson, SC, US, MArch, Architecture
Charleston Architecture Center - Fall 2011
Barcelona Architecture Center - Spring 2012
Ball State University, Muncie, IN, US, Bachelors, Architecture
World Tour - Spring 2010
Semester Abroad - Spring 2009 (Dalhousie University)
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, CA, Architecture
North American Sustainability, Housing, and Communities Consortium Travel Scholarship.
Oakland Community College, Farmington Hills, MI, US, General Studies
Associates Degree of General Studies
Mickel Prize in Architecture, Award
This travel award, the highest award in the School of Architecture, is given annually to the most outstanding graduating Master of Architecture student with the best overall design ability, overall academic ability, leadership, and professional promise. It is made possible through an endowment established by family, selected friends and associates of Mr. Buck Mickel.
Harlan E. McClure Award, Award
The Harlan E. McClure Award is given annually by the Faculty of the School of Architecture, College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Clemson University in recognition of outstanding architectural design as demonstrated in a graduate project or thesis.
Jefferson Cup Award, Award
The Jefferson Cup has long been a symbol of achievement and merit. It was designed by Thomas Jefferson, who among many other things was an architect, farmer, the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, and our countries third President. In all of these, Jefferson was committed to scholarship, community service, education, and intelligent design. Jefferson also believed that each individual in society holds the profound ability to impact his or her own community.
In the spirit of these ideals the Community Research and Design Center here at Clemson wishes to award two students the Jefferson Cup in recognition of their commitment, passion, and excellence in architecture, design, community, and public service.
Mickel Endowment, Scholarship
Travel Scholarship for semester in Barcelona.
Award for Collaboration, Award
Clemson Architecture Center in Charleston
North American Sustainability, Housing, and Communities Consortium Travel Scholar, Scholarship
Travel scholarship for semester at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS, Canada
Glen Sabados Memorial Scholar, Scholarship
Hamilton C. Eugene Memorial Scholar, Scholarship
Lickety Split Scholar, Scholarship
Cripe Architects + Engineers 3rd year Competition // Finalist, Other
Mounayar Family Scholar, Scholarship
Indiana Concrete Masonry Association 2nd year Competition // Finalist, Other
Academic Distinction Scholar, Scholarship
Eagle Scout, Award
Boy Scouts of America