Laura Gosmino

Laura Gosmino

Toronto, ON, CA



• work experience in a computer science lab specialized in advanced research on architectural geometry (EPFL);

• entrance award in the Master of Architecture;

• Honours Bachelor of Science with Distinction;

• grades at least 20% above the class average in most mathematics courses;

• knowledge of 5 languages;

• competitive fourth year undergraduate course in urban studies with limited enrollment that entailed an 8 hour / week internship;

• yearly merit based undergraduate government scholarship to pay for accommodation;

• completion of the Architectural Studies Major Program with limited enrollment based on academic achievements;

• obtainment of the Honorary Ontario Secondary School Diploma during my Rotary Exchange year.


University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CA, Teaching Assistant

• assisted with the two most difficult courses in representation and design at the undergraduate level;
• held weekly individual desk crits with students during office hours and class time;
• helped students with any issue they might have learning software like Grasshopper, Autocad, Rhino, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and Flash;
• reviewed and evaluated student work, together with the professor, during formal presentations.

Sep 2011 - current

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CA, Research Assistant

• worked for three different faculty professors over the course of the last four years;
• wrote reports on innovations and new technologies in Canadian wood construction, reviewing Internet resources, architectural literature and the Ontario Building Code (professor P. Petricone);
• drew diagrammatic and analytic maps of Rotterdam for an urban planning project (professor P. Belanger);
• developed computer models (using Grasshopper and Rhinoceros) to explore the performance and dynamic behavior of complex polygonal meshes (professor D. Lieberman).

Sep 2009 - current


University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CA , MArch, Master of Architecture (Professional)

Sep 2010 - current

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CA, Bachelors, Honours BSc (with Distinction)

Mathematics Major
Architectural Studies (Design) Major
Urban Studies Minor

Sep 2006 - Jun 2010


Project for Selective Graduate Seminar Course Abroad (Buenos Aires), Other

I was selected to participate to the Global Architecture Program (University of Toronto).

Title: "Pulmones de Manzana - Analyzing an Architectural Typology of Hidden Green Spaces in Buenos Aires"

Authors: Laura Gosmino, Jorge Bianchi Vivern


Entrance Award in the Master of Architecture, Award


Report Publication - Second Author, Other

"Fostering Excellence: an overview of public sector recruitment and retention practices in Canada"
Canadian Urban Institute - CUI
Submitted to: Japan Local Government Center New York


Undergraduate Government Scholarship to Pay for Accomodation, Scholarship

I received this scholarship from the regional government of my home town (Sassari, Sardegna, Italy) during the entire duration of my undergraduate studies, from 2006 to 2010.
The scholarship reimbursed me up to 80% of all my accommodation expenses.


Honorary Ontario Secondary School Diploma, Other


Areas of Specialization 
