Nathalie Bonnard

Nathalie Bonnard

Dallas, TX, US




Gregory Lombardi. An award winning landscape architecture specializing in highly detailed design for private residences and commercial clients – 15 employees., Cambridge, MA, US, Associate designer

Landscape Designer Associate
• Developed, designed and prepared Landscape and Hardscape plans
• Designed and prepared construction documents.

Oct 2006 - Aug 2007

WCI A $444 million revenue national company, Florida's premier homebuilder of luxury new homes. 3000 employees, Coral Springs, Florida, Associate Designer

• Created, designed and prepared landscape and hardscape plans;
• Studied and prepared construction plans (fountains, entrance signs walls, pools…)
• Coordinated and met with sub-contractors, reviewed their plans for compliance and accuracy;
• Supervised, verified installation and coordinated with property management;
• Created a ‘pavers package’ for the different architectural themes;
• Conceived and developed plants palette for sub-contractors to develop landscape plans appropriate to our architectural themes;
• Located and supervised tree installation on site at the community botanical garden (originally partner with the Audubon Society)
• Conducting survey, analyzing data, preparing report

Jul 2005 - Sep 2006

Keith & Schnars, PA. A multi-disciplinary consulting firm focused on solving the engineering, planning and environmental challenges faced by its diverse client base. 1500 employees, Fort Lauderdale, FL, US, Associate designer

• Executed and prepared landscape plans for roadways and buffers (road screen);
• Conceived and designed irrigation and topographic plans;
• Created and generated plant schedules and Opinion of Cost Estimates;
• Supervised 2 interns;
• Met and coordinated with contractors prior and during project construction;
• Lead and presented projects to Florida Dept of Transportation project managers for Interstate 95, State Road 7
• Project Manager for the City of Miami Gardens. The scope of the project was $2 billion dollars and we delivered 75% under budget and 3 years ahead of time.

Jan 2004 - Jul 2005

Enviroscapes, A private small company with 4 employees, Fort Lauderdale, FL, US, Designer and drafter

• Performed site survey & site data analysis;
• Designed and prepared site plan, conceptual design and detail construction plans;
• Created and presented presentations for clients to include plant schedules;
• Supervised projects installation and completion to ensure customer requirements were met on a consistent basis.

Oct 2002 - Dec 2003


BTS - Ecole Superieure D'Agriculture, Angers, FR, Landscape Designer

Landscape Architecture, Botanical, construction.

Sep 1997 - Jun 1999

Areas of Specialization 
