SEPIASTUDIO C.A. ARCHITECTURE OFFICE., Caracas, Venezuela, Directing Architect
Projects & Management of construction work.
- Residential. Apartment Santa Ines 6B.
- Residential. Apartment Santa Ines 9B.
- Industry. Cold Storage Center Friagro S.A.
- Masterplan. Tourist Development Bahia Caribana
CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CANATO C.A., Caracas, Venezuela, Architect
Projects & Management of construction work.
- Food distribution center. Kepen Te & Salad.
- Food store. Kepen Te & Salad C.C. Sambil.
- F ood store. Kepen Te & Salad C.C. Lider.
- Residential. Apartment Lomas Viento.
MAKOWSKI & DOJC. Arquitectos Asociados, Caracas, Venezuela, Architect's Assistant
Architecture Projects.
- Mixed-Use. Integral Security Center Chacao. Competition - First prize.
- Shopping Mall. Valle Arriba Market Center.
- Residential. Colinas de la Alameda.
- Residential. Refugio Alto Sol.
- Residential. Alto Sol.
- Residential. Apartment PentHouse Solar del Hatillo.
- Government. Poland Embassy.
- Religion. "Dios Admirable" Evangelical Church
Assistant Professor, Caracas, Venezuela, MAKOWSKI & DOJC. Arquitectos Asociados.
Master Degree, Arch. Andrés Makowski.
Universidad Central de Venezuela, Universidad Central de Venezuela, High School, Arquitectura
Educación Superior Universitaria.Tesis: SUTURAS URBANAS, Febrero 2012.
Redefinición del borde este del Parque del Este y Museo del Transporte.
7th European Landscape Biennial, Association of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Master's , INTERNACIONAL EXPOSITION OF LANDSCAPE & ARCHITECTURE SCHOOLS
My thesis degree called "-Terrain Vague- as a -Link Hole-" was published as a work that shows how negatives and interstitials spaces can be transformed into positives urban places.
The Biennial organized this exposition to gather didactic works that contributes to enrich the debate on the landscaping. It was support by the Association of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Master's Program in Landscape Architecture).
September 2012. COAC, Barcelona, Spain