Charlet Timothée

Charlet Timothée

Paris, FR



Recently accredited as a State Architect in France. I would like to join a team looking for an architect with a specific profile. All along my studies and during my professional experiences, my architectural projects were driven by different universes: Abstract  or rich of atmospheres and feelings. Cf joined portfollio - Graduating project about the «Evocation of Howard Phillips Lovecraft writing work's through architectural and scenographic works».

I would like to offer my skills : an analytical and critical methodology and an artistic culture giving the opportunity to raise my projects to a certain level of creativity, while responding to human and technic constraints. My main quality is being able to materialize in 2D and 3D original and conceptual projects. One year in Venezia (Italy) gave me the opportunity to work and evolve through multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary teams.

I'm also trilingual - french, english and italian - and already proved that I am able to adapt to different ways of thinking and working. I have an «architect» knowledge, but also a real imaginative capacity.

Please feel free to contact me for more informations.

Areas of Specialization