Centered on people uses and care, as an architect I am interested in their needs and am always
ready to supply ideas that may come out of the ordinary. As a combination of listening to, learning from
and deeply analyzing others’ points of view, I would like to be connected to several scales of living.
It started with local housing and led me to higher implication and even to international connections.
Without hesitating to collaborate to others’ thoughts as well as bringing my own ideas, I'm looking for
opportunities to work with interesting minds sensitive to their environment.
Atelier B.L.M., Paris, FR, Architect
Mainly focused on housing, from individual to collective buildings, I am working on interior and exterior details as well as urban planning components to define projects in their globalness.
Architecture, Urbanism and environnement council (CAUE) 78, Versailles, FR, Intern
Assistant architect helping city hall concils and individuals to chose what is better for them as well as for the urban environment. Called on site for supervision and understanding of construction issues, I participate to interesting debates among financiers, local associations and experienced architects.
MTP Valla, Estoublon, FR, Intern
Construction operator assistant, I helped to build individual houses in the South of France. Following the different phases of housing construction site, that was the first time I had to live the challenge between drawing and realization sessions.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Versailles, Versailles, FR, MArch, Architecture
Graduated Summa cum laude after six years, while working in a part-time job in Architecture the last two years.
University of Illinois Study Abroad Program - Versailles, France, Urbana, IL, US, MArch, Architecture
One year abroad in the US for the first year of Master's degree in Architecture. Discovering differences between national programs, I learned a lot, and have completed my education skills once back.
Merchant Navy School, Marseille, FR, Polyvalent officer
Around the globe, I was lucky enough to discover many different countries. Now recognized as an engineer degree, my navigation certificate is a real motivation to look for unusual answers.
Advertising for International Mobility Competition, 1st Place
Create a poster to show your experience of mobility abroad.
Critical Mass in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Nomination
The best projects are selected among the different subjects of the semestre, to send the laureate to the Chicago Award.
Eiffel Contest, Nomination
Create a new building to add, to face or to replace the Eiffel Tower