My name is Rachel Gardner and I graduated with my master in architecture from Kansas State University’s College of Architecture, Planning and Design May 12, 2012. I am seeking first professional employment and am willing to relocate for the benefit of employment. My current career goals are to find work alongside a licensed architect as my mentor for the Intern Development Program. I am especially interested in health care architecture as well as projects that benefit individuals, society, and the ecological well-being of the planet. I am highly scientific-minded and enjoy the technical details that help a project come together successfully.
Varney's University Book Store, Manhattan, KS, US, Verizon Sales Associate
Sold Verizon cell phones and plans
Event Network Science City Gift Shop, Kansas City, MO, US, Receiver
Cataloged and shelved all new merchandise; helped customers and manned cash register
Merrick and Company, Aurora, CO, US, Intern Architect
Used AutoCAD and Revit to create details and construction documents; researched and presented results to the architecture team
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, US, MArch, Architecture
Took seminars in LEED, innovative building assemblies, vernacular sustainability, healing environments, and environmental aesthetics
Evidence-based Design Accreditation and Certification, Other
Certified to practice evidence-based healthcare design with a multi-disciplinary team
Catherine Bell-Pomery Architecture Scholarship, Scholarship
Catherine Bell-Pomery Architecture Scholarship, Scholarship
Frances Schepp and Leslie Willkie Architecture Scholarship, Scholarship
Kansas State University Bands Scholarship, Scholarship
Ruth Wilson Creative Writing Scholarship, Scholarship