I am an architect so I try to create novel ways for a better living. However, good architecture is less about creativity and more about discipline. In my opinion, this is a very important key “knowing what not to do”. It is discipline in my field that generates functional and inspiring architecture. The main disciplines extend from the conceptual, cognitive, and ergonomic domain to human factors and the organization of system and space. These factors cover different scales from small objects, instruments, and products to the larger human scale of furniture and built from. The biggest scales are the design of the environment and systems, in this part sustainable design, passive heating and cooling systems are the most important disciplines for me. Cost and time are one of the most important issues in our professional work, so they have an affect on the other parts.
Energy Studies in Buildings Lab (ESBL), Eugene, OR, US, Research Assistant
Constructed BIM models
Robertson/Sherwood/Architects, Eugene, OR, US, Intern (Academic)
Assisted in construction contract administration on both in-office and onsite for LCC Downtown Campus, PeaceHealth tenant improvements, renovation of building facades at Eugene Airport , and construction documents including wood construction detailing for VA Community Living Center