I am a designer and maker currently located in Portland, Oregon. I attained my Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2007, and recently graduated with my Master of Architecture from the University of Oregon's Urban Architecture program in Portland, Oregon, where I studied the role of emerging technology in today's architecture. My current interest in design concerns the interaction of human occupation and architectural space, and how emerging technologies can affect or change this interaction or space. Other areas of interest include applied parametrics and digital fabrication.
SITU, Brooklyn, NY, US, Design + Fabrication Intern
Developed and fabricated projects ranging in scales using both digital design, digital fabrication and traditional crafting methodologies.
University of Oregon in Portland, Portland, OR, US, Shop Assistant
Fabrication/Wood Shop - Supervised students use of wood tools and fabrication tools. Researched and developed CNC Milling Protocols.
Stevens & Wilkinson | Stang & Newdow, Inc., Atlanta, GA, US, Arcitectural Intern
Produced schematic, design development, and construction drawings, fabricated computer models, renderings, and compiled marketing boards, booklets, and proposals.
Wakefield Beasley & Associates, Norcross, GA, US, Architectural Intern
Composed schematic drawings and construction drawings, assembled sample boards, researched ADA and Life Safety codes.
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta, GA, Bachelors, Architecture
Eagle Scout, Award