I am a 2012 Cum Lade graduate from Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Architecture. I married my best friend in the Summer of 2011 and we are eager and excited to start a future together.
In terms of passions, Architecture has been something that I have always had an interest in. When declaring a major I knew right away that Architecture was for me. I have always desired to design, explore, and learn about architecture. My main interests and long term goals are to become educated and well versed in sustainability and green architecture/design. I desire and have a passion to design low income, sustainable, environmentally safe and structurally sound buildings overseas as well as here in the States.
I am looking forward to gathering real world experience and seeing how each piece will play a role in my future in architecture.
Autotec Engineering Inc., Sylvania, OH, US, Design Engineer/Technical Analyst
Draw details, construct 3D parts that are combined to make machines, construct schedules, and overview task deadlines. Observe our business process and make suggestions to better organize and accomplish tasks.
SSOE Group, Bowling Green, OH, US, CAD/Revit Technician and Architectural Design Intern
Draw details, construct 3D models, create renderings, correct 2D CAD and 2D/3D Revit mistakes, construct schedules, construct construction drawings, assist project leaders.
Office of Design and Construction, Bowling Green, OH, US, Mapping and Data Hub Assistant
Create, design, and maintain custom maps, collect field data using GIS and GPS equipment, assist in client relations, assist Campus Architect.
Stark State College of Technology, North Canton, OH, US, High School, Post Secondary
Post Secondary. Took college English, Math, and Sociology courses to gain College and Highschool credit.
Louisville High School, Louisville, OH, US, High School, High School