Cesar Adrian Lopez is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of New Mexico, School of Architecure + Planning, where he also serves as the School’s Director of Recruitment and the MS Architecture Chair for the Culture, Politics, and the Built Environment area of focus. His mode of practice straddles design and research to explore the entanglements between architecture and territory and the politics that dictate them, ultimately representing marginalized populations and environments. He is an Associate at The Open Workshop, where he has been a leading designer on a number of widely published projects and installations such as New Investigations in Collective Form and the forthcoming Commoning Domesticity at the 17th Venice Biennale (May 2021). His writings, drawings, and research have been published in Bracket [Takes Action], Momentum Magazine, Places Journal, and the Art Journal. Cesar received his BS.Arch at Texas Tech University-El Paso and his M.Arch at California College for the Arts (CCA).
The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, US, Assistant Professor of Architecture
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, Lecturer
Studio courses taught:
B.Arch 100A: Fundamentals of Architectural Design (Fall 2019)
M.Arch A202: Option Studio - Border Call Centers (Spring 2020)
Academy Of Art University - School of Architecture, San Francisco, CA, US, Lecturer
Studio and courses taught:
B.Arch Studio 2: Hybridity & Transformations (Spring 2017, Spring 2019)
B.Arch Architectural 2D Representation (Spring 2017)
California College of the Arts, Berkeley, Adjunct Professor
Studio's taught:
M.Arch Studio 3: Experiments in Collective Living (Fall 2017, Fall 2018), Reformatting Land (Teaching Fellow, Spring 2018)
Urban Works Agency, San Francisco, CA, US, Resilient Design Fellowship
IDEA: A Think Invention Team, El Paso, TX, US, Intern/Graphics
Poetic Spaces, El Paso, TX, US, Designer/Drafter
PSRBB, El Paso, TX, US, Intern/Drafter/Modeler
Poetic Spaces, El Paso, TX, US, Intern/Designer
Vertex Contractors, El Paso, TX, US, Drafter/Ass. Project Manager
California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA, US, MArch, School of Architecture
Thermal Blatic Bath Honorable Mention, Honorable Mention
"Steam Stratum"
Under the employment of The Open Workshop
(Project Team: Neeraj Bhatia, Cesar Lopez, Blake Stevenson)
2013 Jury Prize, 1st Place
"Borderlands: An Exploitation of the U.S. / Mexico Political Geography"
2013 Thesis Prize, 1st Place
"Borderlands: An Exploitation of the U.S. / Mexico Political Geography"
American Institute of Architects Certificate of Merit, Award
Urban SOS Semi-finalist, Nomination
(Project Team: Aubrey Davidson , Nastaran Mousavi)