I am a recent graduate of West chester University. While there I studied and acquired a Bachelors in Urban/Regional Planning. I intend to go back to school in a year to study for my Masters degree as well. I really enjoy urban planning, I find there is a lot of strategy involved and strategy has always been my strong suit. I have experience working with ArcGIS, CommunityViz, and AutoCAD, as well as other basic microsoft programs such as Word, Photoshop, and Excell.
Feld Kaminetszky and Cohen P.C., New York, NY, US, Intern
I performed structural analysis of buildings such as inspections of façade for water damage, need for brick pointing, and damaged terra cotta, as well as other signs of deterioration to determine if a building was in need of restoration and how to accomplish the repairs. I also utilized AutoCAD to prepare drawings reflecting damaged areas.
West Chester University of Pennsylvania, West Chester Pa, Bachelors, Urban/Regional Planning
In my time enrolled in this school I studied urban planning, and acquired computer skills in ArcGIS, AutoCAD, and CommunityViz. I originally went to study physics and engineering but found that I much prefered urban and regional planning.