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Louisa Varelidi is an architect and an urban designer based in London, UK. She is interested in the intersection of DIY architecture, small scale constructions, alternative methods of regeneration and preservation, as well as anti-gentrification urban design strategies. Louisa holds a masters degree in Urban design from The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London where i was awarded a Commendation for my thesis project.
Boyarsky Murphy Architects, London, GB, Architect/Urban Designer
Working as an assistant architect on residential and urban schemes from the initial design phase until construction. Producing detailed drawings and specifications; preparing tender applications, documents and presentations; preparing applications for planning and building control departments. Participation in design competitions.
PRISMA-Centre of Development Studies, Athens, GR, assistant architect/researcher
Worked on sustainability assessment of public open spaces in “Auditing the Sustainability of public spaces” project, co-funded by the European Commission.
-Reviewing best practice of sustainable urban planning in Europe.
-Conducting research to identify sustainability criteria of urban open spaces.
-Organizing team meetings and presentations.
-Producing and editing drawings, images and research documents.
-Acquired interpersonal, collaboration and presentation skills; very good understanding of sustainability
PRISMA-Centre of Development Studies, Athens, GR, part time architectural assistant
Part-time work. Worked on exhibition design, urban development, master-planning and various research projects.
-Collecting data on land uses, socio-demographic characteristics and environmental regulations.
-Liaising with local authorities and regulatory bodies.
-Acquired an understanding of a team approach and all aspects of documentation and design process.
University College London (UCL), London, GB, BArch, MArch Urban Design
During my postgraduate studies I had the opportunity to expand my design interests into the fields of DIY architecture, affordable housing, community-based regeneration and “anti-gentrification” urban design methods. I was awarded with Merit.
University of Patras, Patras, GR, BArch, Diploma in Architecture and Engineering
5 years professional degree - Diploma in Architecture and Engineering. Graduated with honors.