Tshwane University of Technology (Technikon Pretoria), Pretoria, ZA, MArch, Architecture (Professional)
Corobrick Student of the Year - Best use of clay masonry, Award
“These awards were created to promote quality design and to acknowledge talent among architectural students and Corobrik would like to believe this awards programme has promoted discourse and debate towards what constitutes really good architecture. Corobrik has for a long time regarded the role of the architectural community as key to defining the ultimate integrity of our built environment and for creating time honoured spaces that people feel comfortable to be in, are uplifting and relevant to those who use or witness them,” - Jurie Swart
C&CI Moving Space Competition Films, Other
The C&CI Moving Space Competition brings together architecture and film students, and was established to generate new ways of thinking about architecture and the use of concrete in building. In the process, C&CI set out to stimulate an inventive approach to moving image production. Groups of talented students in 2009 and again in 2010 were awarded funding to make a short (6-12min) film each on the topic of our built environment.