Ethel Baraona Pohl

Ethel Baraona Pohl

Barcelona, ES



Ethel Baraona Pohl

Critic, writer and curator. Co-founder of dpr-barcelona and editor of Quaderns from 2011-2016, she’s also contributing editor for different blogs and magazines, and has written articles for Domus, Volume, The New City Reader [Istanbul edition] and MAS Context among others. She has been invited to present her work in events like Postópolis! DF, and the international architectrure festival Eme3. Associate Curator for "Adhocracy", first commissioned for the Istanbul Design Biennial in 2012, also exhibited at The New Museum, NYC on April 2013 and at Lime Wharf LONDON in September 2013. Curator, with César Reyes Nájera, of the third Think Space programme with the theme 'Money'.

dpr-barcelona is an architectural research practice based in Barcelona, dealing with three main lines: publishing, criticism and curating. Their work explore how architecture as discipline reacts in the intersection with politics, technology, economy and social issues. Their publications, both digital and printed, transcend the boundaries of conventional publications, approaching to those which are probably the titles of architecture in the future, exploring the limits between printed matters and new media, transforming traditional publishing practice [as we know it] into a live exchange of knowledge. Their [net]work is a real hub linking several publications and actors on architecture and theory.


dpr-barcelona was founded by: Ethel Baraona Pohl + Cesar Reyes Najera



dpr-barcelona, Co-Founder

Co-founder and editor at dpr-barcelona

Jan 2007 - current


Universidad Rafael Landívar, BArch, Architecture

Feb 1991 - Feb 1998

Universidad Albert Einstein, BArch, Architecture

Jan 1989 - Feb 1997

Areas of Specialization