S. Collier Ward

S. Collier Ward

Huntsville, AL, US



"Architect / Author / Another follower of Christ" is my short-form bio.


By way of elaboration however, here is a portion of my blog's "About" page:

Who I Am:
I am an Architect by training and by profession, and therefore I am a collaborator.

Of all creative endeavors Architecture is the least solitary. It requires a deft meeting-of-minds to reconcile the disparate visions, fixed budgets, too-short schedules and ever increasing regulations. The Architect is the mind in the middle, the mediator, the moderator. From napkin sketching to ribbon cutting, the Architect is always collaborating, cooperating and tirelessly playing well off the strengths and dreams of others.

By chance and by choice I am a collaborator.


Auburn University, Auburn, AL, US, BArch, Architecture

Aug 1979 - May 1985

Areas of Specialization