Andres Guillama

Andres Guillama

Cullowhee, NC, US



I'm a young construction professional who recently graduated with a degree in Construction Management with a minor in business. I am an energetic, hard working, and determined young man who is hoping for great things in the future and just trying to find out when and where it will all really begin for me.



Mindy's Bakery, Sylva, NC, Supervisor

Responsibilities include scheduling, caring for daily operations, working in team environment, and communicating with customers.

Dec 2007 - current

Silva Structures, Miami, FL, US, Construction Management Intern

Responsibilities included being involved in the contract evaluating, estimating, bidding, scheduling, erection of commercial structures, and Spanish interpreting for upper management.

I also served as an Intern for this company during the summer of 2010.

Jun 2011 - Sep 2011


Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, US, BArch, Construction Management

To list some relevant coursework: Estimating 1&2, Surveying, Scheduling, Construction Finance, Physics, Calculus, Temporary Structures, Material 1&2, Construction Safety, Construction Drawings, Economic Principles in Construction, Legal aspects of Construction, Portfolio Management, Legal and Ethical Environment of Business, Negotiating, and Professional Selling.

It was a broad spectrum of all aspects relevant to the current construction industry and all there is to being in the industry.

Jan 2007 - Dec 2011
