manasi jadhav

manasi jadhav

Delft, NL




I started my career in construction industry as an architect. After working for 3 years as an architect, I realized the importance of building economics. This interest led me to pursuing  Msc degree in Design management from T.U.Delft University, Netherlands. Parelle to gaining knowledge about management, the couse also introduced me to the basics of real estate and building finances.

My master thesis topic was focused on construction process innovation. I did an in depth research on changes in the roles of actors and building processes while implementing BIM in a project. The research result was highly appreciated and I was awarded an honors degree for my contribution to the research.

Presently, I am seraching for a job related to BIM and project management. My drive is to take project management to the next level by integrating technology in it. This can be achieved by infusing BIM knowledge to project management.


Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft), Delft, NL, Masters, Masters in Design & Construction Management

Aug 2009 - Jun 2011

Areas of Specialization