My name is David E. Kane. I hold a Master of Architecture degree & I am currently studying to become LEED certified and in the process of earning IDP credits toward being a licensed architect. I have previously worked in the San Francisco Bay Area as an architectural intern conceptually designing plans and drawings on renovation projects for individuals with mental illnesses. I have been on several design teams with churches to renovate congregation halls and other gathering spaces for educational uses. Also, I have recently had my fifth year thesis published for Hampton University. Over the years, I have demonstrated that I am one with an open mind and possess many bold and creative ideas. I strive on my skills to successfully collaborate with others in an effort to produce great material. Residential & commercial design, community housing, urban design, as well as abstract projects have been a serious focus and continue to broaden my mind with architecture and design, but things do not stop there. I am open minded to all possibilities & endeavors that may come my way and am ready to tackle any challenge head on. Architecture & design have become my life and everyday way of living. I am very proficient with Autodesk Architecture Revit 2011, Google Sketch-Up Pro, Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office. I am proficient in AutoCAD Architecture, ArchiCAD 14, and am practicing 3DS Max, Rhino, and Vectorworks.
STAPLES, Philadelphia, PA, US, Technology Consultant
Provide customers with consultations on software packages and programs, data
Westbay Housing Corp., Intern Architect
Collaborate with project manager, architects, and engineers in drafting existing home floor plan & producing concepts for home renovations for future residents with mental disabilities.