Ned has a Masters Degree in Architecture from Rice University, Houston TX, an Art History Degree from Carleton College. While at Rice University working on his Masters in Architecture, Ned studied ecological design strategies and management with an eye towards the built environment. This evolved into a philosophy regarding the role of biology in design, as well as different ways to expand and explore the edge between humans and surrounding “others” (non-human animals, the earth). His written and design work has appeared in AD Magazine, Texas Architect, Manifold, Plat, Bracket (“On Farming” and “Goes Soft”) and yearly publications from both Rice and Columbia University. He has written for The Architectural League in New York, Manifold Magazine, Arts and Culture Magazine, the Houstonist and has been invited to jury reviews at Rice, Pratt and Columbia. His built work, including an IV-drip supported hanging garden, has been shown at the Lawndale Art Center and in Minnesota; he’s been awarded the Technos international traveling fellowship, the Mitchel Travel Fellowship an RDA Houston Initiative Grant and Presidential Citation for civic work from the AIA, Houston.
Greystar, Houston, Director of Development
Rice University, Houston, Texas, MArch, Architecture
Master of Architecture and Urbanism. Ned devoted his graduate studies to researching the active engagement of biological forces in design. His thesis work, How to Design for the Animal, Studies in Post-Human Environments, lead to the founding of